
We know going through a fitness to practise case or investigation can be stressful. Sometimes talking to someone can help if you feel worried or overwhelmed.

We’ve introduced a dedicated wellbeing line for people undergoing fitness to practise investigations. It offers you free and confidential emotional support and practical advice from an independent source.

Call freephone: 0808 169 4430

The wellbeing line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is for anyone under investigation by fitness to practise, whether you are registered or applying for registration.

You don’t need a referral, just pick up the phone and call freephone: 0808 169 4430 (or +44 141 271 7133 if you’re calling from abroad, these calls will be charged at your normal call rate).

How can it help?

The wellbeing line offers:

  • up to three sessions of solution-focused, structured counselling
  • practical information, support and signposting
  • limited support for immediate family members of a single session with a counsellor.

Online support

There is also a free online resource with webinars, wellbeing articles and information on the different support services on offer.

Access the online support here (username SSSC, password FTPSupport)

Log in to register for your own account.