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Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in our various roles which include being a public body and the regulator for the social service workforce in Scotland.

Our work actively promotes human rights and the core principles such as dignity, fairness, equality, respect and autonomy.

As a non-departmental public body (NDPB) we have duties under the Equality Act 2010, including the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This duty requires us to have due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

More information about this PSED is on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s website.

The legislation also sets out specific duties, including the following.

  • To publish a set of equality outcomes by 2013 and to report progress every following two years
  • To report progress on mainstreaming the equality duty by 2013 and every following two years.

Our Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Mainstreaming and Outcomes Report 2021-2025 sets out our current approach and demonstrates how we aim to consider equality in everything we do. 

Our previous reports, and our equality, diversity and inclusion policy, can be found here

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs)

We also have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to assess the impact that any new or revised policies will have. An EIA helps us to make sure our policies, and the way we carry them out, do what they are intended to and for everybody. An EIA systematically assesses the likely or actual effects of policies on people in respect of disability, racial equality and gender, including gender identity. You can find our EIAs here.

Understanding our workforce

We ask registered workers to provide information on their protected characteristics and whether they are providing unpaid care. We are collecting this information as part of our commitment to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in social work, social care and early years services.

Why are we collecting this information?

We want to understand the diversity of the people on our Register and to consider how we can improve the way we support them. We will use this information to raise awareness of the diversity of the sector and the challenges that some workers face. All information is voluntary. We will publish an annual overview of the findings. It will not be possible to identify anyone.

I am a registered worker. Do I have to provide this information?

No. The information you provide is voluntary. You can choose to not answer a question or indicate that you would prefer not to say. You will be able to update your information at any time. We would greatly appreciate your support as the information will help us to identify ways of improving the way we support people on our Register.

Who will be able to access this information?  

To find out more about how we process your personal data, personal data rights, our legal status and more, please see our privacy notice or contact us.

Fair Work

The goal of the Fair Work Framework is to ensure that by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and society.

The SSSC can support this vision by ensuring the fair work values run through the organisation and embedding fair working practices into everything we do. We are committed to building a Scotland which champions fair work practices and a diverse workforce.