
The professional development award (PDA) in Scrutiny and Improvement Practice (Social Services) at SCQF level 10 has been designed specifically to meet the Inspection of Health and Social Care Standards, which form part of the National Occupational Standards (NOS). The award has been approved and quality assured by SSSC.

The Care Inspectorate, is the independent scrutiny and improvement body responsible for regulation and inspection of care and support services, scrutiny of criminal justice social work services and joint inspections with other scrutiny partners of services for adults and children.

This award is aimed at authorised persons including inspectors, strategic inspectors, professional advisors and team managers. Their backgrounds include teaching, nursing, social work and social care, early years, health care, police, housing and environmental health.

The Care Inspectorate employs and authorises staff to inspect social care and social work services and requires them to undertake an award to enable registration with the SSSC. Staff with different professional backgrounds, for example in teaching and health, are required to register with their respective professional bodies.

The PDA in Scrutiny Practice and Improvement Practice will allow Care Inspectorate staff to gain SSSC registration. The award covers areas such as frameworks for scrutiny practice, the craft of scrutiny and supporting improvement.

The PDA contains four mandatory units and has been designed to offer learners the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills, which will enable them to:

  • meet the NOS for Inspection of Services in Scotland
  • meet the requirements for registration with the SSSC
  • support the aspirations and vision of the Care Inspectorate
  • allow learners to gain new knowledge and consolidate skills to achieve the competence and confidence to deliver high quality scrutiny and improvement through the development and critical analysis of practice
  • evidence high level certificated continuing professional development (CPD) for authorised officers in the Care Inspectorate.